Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Thank the Lord

Thank the Lord for the VLB service we had tonight. The service was about answering the call. When the altar call was given, I went to pray and was able to pour out my heart to the Lord. I feel so much better now. I just had a heavy heart. I appreciate the Lord for taking care of us. I want to be a vessel that He can use. I know the time is short. I know this is not like me to talk much about this but just thought I would share my heart. PS Wendy, will you help me set up a myspace or at least explain to me what it is? Oh yeah, I will be driving the LINCOLN. THATS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!! ;op

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hello everybody

So here I am in bloggerville USA. I know everyone out there must have missed reading my boring posts or lack thereof. So for your reading enjoyment, I'll see if I can make something up. Well Everyone knows Kasey and I got this new computer for Christmas for each other so you wouldn't want me to go on about that. I decided to reboot my old computer last night but finally figured it out this evening. What do you know but that it would work as good as it did when I first bought it. First I can't believe I figured out how to do it. And second I guess we didn't need this laptop. Oh well. I still like it. It is still gonna take some getting used to. Anyway. Well I hope that wasn't too boring. Oh yeah Wendy, I like your myspace thing but I will have to figure it out later. ttyl

Thursday, November 23, 2006

well if I knew how to do this

Well I tried to reply to Wendy's post but couldn't figure it out, so I will just put it on here and hope she will get the message. As for the comment about the car being a pimp mobile, I'm offended. When can I take it for a drive? You could call it a hoopty if you wanted or I've heard the term Jewish Canoe. But c'mon it is a smoov ride. Also is that picture of Danny taking the breathalizer test before or after he drove the car?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

look i have a blog

So a long, long time ago, I heard about a blog. I didn't know what it was but since then I finally evolved into the twenty-first century. I really don't know what to put on here so I'll just ramble a little bit and then get off here. I hope everyone out there in Blogville will like it. Maybe someone could make me a pie for coming to the neighborhood. I really like cheese cake, key lime, and cherry pies just in case y'all need some hints.