Tuesday, June 5, 2007

bonjour mes amis

I know if not blogging was a crime, I would be doing life without parole. Sorry to let y'all down. As usual we have been really busy. I have been doing some more side work, one of which I am still working on. This past weekend was our youth camping trip which was some lotta fun. We did the whole tent thing, roasting hot dogs, making smores which was good, hiking .... the whole nine yards. It was great. However I slept in the back of my truck. No really... but it was good. Right at the end the bottom fell out and everyone was standing under a tarp waiting for the rain to stop. Brother Shaw figured out how to get a group of people under the tarp to move in the same direction to fasten it to the tree. Before it was all over with, we had three tarps between a tree, an SUV, and a light pole. You may laugh but it beats holding it in the air yourself. Luckily I had our stuff already loaded. Well I guess that is the end of my rambling for now.